Domain ."Com" was created in 1985. The oldest page with this domain name was, and still is :
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Creator of the character "@"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
First self-propelled car
Saturday, November 21, 2009
ancient Roman pedicure and manicure
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Amazon Rain Forest
The Amazon Rain Forest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen supply. The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon River is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The most Olympic medals ever won
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Most famous religious site
The arrangement of stones at Stonehenge, Neolithic likely the most famous religious site, on the Salisbury Plain in southern England, results from several phases of construction that occurred between 2.500 BC to around 2.000 B.C. The stones used in its construction came from two places. The Bluestone, Which form the inner, earliest, semicircle, came from the Preseli Mountains around 385 kilometers (616 miles) away. The larger sarsens, weighing up to 45 tonnes, were brought to Stonehenge from the Marlborough Downs, 30 kilometers (48 miles) to the north.
The most expensive coffee in the world
The most expensive coffee in the world comes from civet poop. Kopi Luwak are coffee beans that come from Civet (a cat sized mammal) poo. The animals gorge on only the finest ripe berries, and excrete the partially-digested beans, which are then harvested for sale. Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, selling for between $120 and $600 USD per pound, and is sold mainly in Japan and United States, but it is increasingly becoming available elsewhere. My question is: who the hell discovered that it tasted good?