The arrangement of stones at Stonehenge, Neolithic likely the most famous religious site, on the Salisbury Plain in southern England, results from several phases of construction that occurred between 2.500 BC to around 2.000 B.C. The stones used in its construction came from two places. The Bluestone, Which form the inner, earliest, semicircle, came from the Preseli Mountains around 385 kilometers (616 miles) away. The larger sarsens, weighing up to 45 tonnes, were brought to Stonehenge from the Marlborough Downs, 30 kilometers (48 miles) to the north.
so, I have learnt about the stonehedge structure before. You didn't mention how it has been debated that they were used as astronomical devices to detect star constellations and how they move across the sky. It got me thinking how much ancient civilizations were able to learn about the world/science/technology without all the fancy technologies we have now to assist us. I mean, when they didn't have telescopes, they found a way. When the Egyptians didn't have construction machines, they found out how to build the pyramids. Could it be true that technology is taking AWAY from our knowledge? We are no longer forced to think hard about things...